Did you see the New York Times Magazine today (Sunday, August 23, 2009)? The entire magazine is devoted to global women's issues. I have the hard copy of the magazine, but you can see some of the articles at: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/23/magazine/23Women-t.html?_r=1. A couple of stories to note: "A School Bus for Shamsia," and "Truck Stop Girls." If you have time to read all of the articles, though, it's a great edition of the NY Times Magazine.
In the hard copy of the magazine, there's an ad for an organization that brings this home to NYC: http://nywf.org/pdf/The_Activist_Philanthropist_August09.pdf. When the link takes you to the newsletter, scroll down to page 2. On the right hand side - about halfway down - are a few stats on homelessness and women & children in NYC. Keep scrolling to the bottom of page 2 to the article "Holding On," by Angelia Dickens about the increase in the numbers of homeless families and children in the summer.